Saturday, August 23, 2008

Shimmers, Squiggles and Swirls

Flux: Reflections on Contemporary Glass
New Mexico Museum of Art--Santa Fe, NM
June 07, 2008 - Sep 21, 2008

A stunning survey of the glorious forms of glass, from minimal to monumental. The exhibition includes artists that reference Mesopotamian artifacts and African textiles, as well as those using glass to create provocative conceptual installations.
"Marvel at the many sculptural possibilities of glass, from functional vessels to abstract sculptures and representations of popular culture icons. The exhibit features work by nearly 50 artists, including international masters William Morris and Dale Chihuly and gifted New Mexico glass artists Tony Jojola and Stacy Neff..."

 Eva Vlcekova
"Shield", 2003, Cast glass, 32 x 14 x 5 in.
Courtesy of Arnold and Doris Roland, Photo: Addison Doty
Vladimira Klumpar and Michael Pavlik
"Alicante Verde", 2000, Cast glass, 35.5 x 36 x 14 in. 
Courtesy of Doug Ring and Cindy Miscikowski, Photo: Steve Oliver



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