Monday, September 01, 2008

Will the Real Josh Taylor Please Stand Up?

Meet Artist Josh Taylor ............ and ............ Meet Artist Josh Taylor

"Mate with Scarf" is just one of the many wry and whimsical characters created by Josh Taylor of Chapel Hill, NC. He is an accomplished artist and graphic designer working in many media and on a variety of projects including theatre designs, billboard art and online game illustration. His signature Frog characters are especially delightful and devilish!
Speaking of devilish, "Samurai and Dragon Spirit" is part of the macabre mob sprung from the diabolical mind of Josh Taylor of Concord, CA. Josh is an amazingly talented and prolific artist with a long list of exhibition venues including Distinction Gallery of Escondido, CA. Visit his mischief run amok!


Mysterious Moves

taKto Jewellery Design
Barcelona, Spain
taKto's Jordi Farré Claret and Eva Maria Obermair received a 2008 red dot award in product design for their sleek, sensual, sliding Ball Bearing Rings.
"This 18-carat gold ring literally wants to keep its wearer on the ball. Freely movable precision balls rotate smoothly and continuously inside the ring. What is innovative is the way the balls are mounted between the outer and the inner ring..."


The Art of Integrity

Sue Aygarn-Kowalski, Metalsmith
New Bedford, MA
"O" Brooch, Sterling Silver-2006
"Striking Tools", Wood, Plastic, Steel, Copper, Brass, Bronze, Sterling and Gold
I had the great honor of knowing Sue Aygarn-Kowalski while she was sharpening her metalsmith skills here in the Midwest. Now based in New Bedford, MA, Sue continues to bloom as a dedicated artist who brings a depth of honesty to her work that is of immeasurable worth. She is devoted to learning and exploring her art, and to communicating what she has learned through her work as a Preparator and Educator at the Fuller Craft Museum and exhibitor at such prestigious galleries as Mobilia Gallery in Cambridge, MA. Sue's jewelry and sculptures feature sensuous organic forms such as primal fertile pods and gently curling leaves. Her handcrafted tools include striped Tim Burton-esque mallets and stylized striking tools with distinct personalities. All of her work reflects her steely work ethic, her wickedly quick wit and her charmingly child-like wonder. It is tough, tenacious and tender. And it is a signpost, a vivid spark of more brilliant work to come from a very spirited artist. >>continue>>

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